Purchasing card statements 2019/20

Reproduced below are all transactions undertaken on all of the purchasing cards issued to staff of the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Quick links:
July 2019August 2019September 2019October 2019November 2019December 2019,
January 2020February 2020March 2020April 2020May 2020June 2020


June 2020

Coordinator, Education and Communications 15-Jun-2020 Subscription - Zoom Zoom.Aud 146.93 161.62
Coordinator, Education and Communications 15-Jun-2020 Subscription - Zoom Zoom.Aud 62.97 69.27
Coordinator, Education and Communications 17-Jun-2020 Subscription - Moodle Moodle 175.00 192.50
Coordinator, Education and Communications 17-Jun-2020 Subscription - Moodle Moodle 75.00 82.50
Coordinator, Education and Communications Total 459.90 505.89
Information Commissioner 19-Jun-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Services Telstra 25.45 28.00
Information Commissioner 19-Jun-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Services Telstra 10.91 12.00
Information Commissioner Total     36.36 40.00
Executive Officer 26-May-2020 Publication: The Right to Privacy Booktopia Pty Ltd 30.99 34.09
Executive Officer 26-May-2020 Publication: The Right to Privacy Booktopia Pty Ltd 13.28 14.61
Executive Officer 26-May-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 69.09 76.00
Executive Officer 26-May-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 29.61 32.57
Executive Officer 29-May-2020 Corporate Memberships (IPAA) Ipaa 497.35 547.09
Executive Officer 29-May-2020 Corporate Memberships (IPAA) Ipaa 213.15 234.46
Executive Officer 29-May-2020 Subscription to (Digital) Financial Review Fairfax Subscriptions 18.95 20.84
Executive Officer 29-May-2020 Subscription to (Digital) Financial Review Fairfax Subscriptions 8.12 8.93
Executive Officer 01-Jun-2020 Software - Camtasia Pp*fastspring 48.09 52.90
Executive Officer 01-Jun-2020 Software - Camtasia Pp*fastspring 20.61 22.67
Executive Officer 02-Jun-2020 Subscription - AustLII Austlii Foundation Ltd 385.00 385.00
Executive Officer 02-Jun-2020 Subscription - AustLII Austlii Foundation Ltd 165.00 165.00
Executive Officer 03-Jun-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.55 11.61
Executive Officer 03-Jun-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.52 4.97
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 Software 3/06/2020 - 2/12/2020 Paypal *limesurvey 66.84 73.52
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 Software 3/06/2020 - 2/12/2020 Paypal *limesurvey 28.65 31.51
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 Copier Maintenance - May 2020 Kyocera Mita Aust 178.51 196.36
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 Copier Maintenance - May 2020 Kyocera Mita Aust 76.51 84.16
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 69.36 76.30
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 29.73 32.70
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 Printer Maintenance - May 2020 Kyocera Mita Aust 19.93 21.92
Executive Officer 04-Jun-2020 Printer Maintenance - May 2020 Kyocera Mita Aust 8.55 9.40
Executive Officer 05-Jun-2020 Stationery Complete Office Supp 50.02 55.02
Executive Officer 05-Jun-2020 Stationery Complete Office Supp 21.44 23.58
Executive Officer 05-Jun-2020 Stationery Winc 361.15 397.26
Executive Officer 05-Jun-2020 Stationery Winc 154.77 170.25
Executive Officer 08-Jun-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth St Georgepe 140.00 154.00
Executive Officer 08-Jun-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth St Georgepe 60.00 66.00
Executive Officer 08-Jun-2020 Stationery Winc 79.87 87.86
Executive Officer 08-Jun-2020 Stationery Winc 34.24 37.66
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 IPAA WA - Leading Remote Teams Ipaa 228.00 250.80
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 IPAA WA - Leading Remote Teams Ipaa 57.00 62.70
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Mental Health First Aid Training Australian Red Cross 134.09 147.50
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Mental Health First Aid Training Australian Red Cross 134.09 147.50
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Software Mailchimp *misc 18.50 20.35
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Software Mailchimp *misc 7.93 8.72
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Refund - Course Cancelled by Vendor Ati Mirage -378.00 -415.80
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Refund - Course Cancelled by Vendor Ati Mirage -162.00 -178.20
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Quatrix 08/06/2020 - 07/07/2020 Www.Maytech.Net 27.43 27.43
Executive Officer 09-Jun-2020 Quatrix 08/06/2020 - 07/07/2020 Www.Maytech.Net 11.76 11.76
Executive Officer 11-Jun-2020 Refund - Stationery - Short Supply Winc -0.29 -0.32
Executive Officer 11-Jun-2020 Refund - Stationery - Short Supply Winc -0.13 -0.14
Executive Officer 12-Jun-2020 Refund - Stationery - Vendor Error Winc -25.82 -28.40
Executive Officer 12-Jun-2020 Refund - Stationery - Vendor Error Winc -11.06 -12.17
Executive Officer 12-Jun-2020 IPAA - Integrity and Accountability Ipaa 52.36 57.60
Executive Officer 12-Jun-2020 IPAA - Integrity and Accountability Ipaa 13.09 14.40
Executive Officer 15-Jun-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.79 11.87
Executive Officer 15-Jun-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.63 5.09
Executive Officer 15-Jun-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 15-Jun-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 Offsite Document Storage - June 2020 Iron Mountain Australi 82.15 90.37
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 Offsite Document Storage - June 2020 Iron Mountain Australi 35.21 38.73
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 Fire equipment maintenance Wormald Fire Systems 84.00 92.40
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 Fire equipment maintenance Wormald Fire Systems 36.00 39.60
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 Courier T And C Couriers 6.56 7.22
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 Courier T And C Couriers 2.81 3.09
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 8x Vari-desk arm - use for multi-monitor Varidesk* 1400.00 1540.00
Executive Officer 16-Jun-2020 8x Vari-desk arm - use for multi-monitor Varidesk* 600.00 660.00
Executive Officer 17-Jun-2020 IPAA change management course Ipaa 22.15 24.36
Executive Officer 17-Jun-2020 IPAA change management course Ipaa 5.54 6.09
Executive Officer 22-Jun-2020 Prof Development Subscription - 19/06/2020  Leadr & Iama 159.09 175.00
Executive Officer 24-Jun-2020 Dispute Resolution Skills Webinar Leadr & Iama 200.00 220.00
Executive Officer 24-Jun-2020 Dispute Resolution Skills Webinar Leadr & Iama 50.00 55.00
Executive Officer 25-Jun-2020 Adobe subscription 23/06/2020 - 22/07/2020 Adobe Acropro Subs 190.85 209.93
Executive Officer 25-Jun-2020 Adobe subscription 23/06/2020 - 22/07/2020 Adobe Acropro Subs 81.79 89.97
Executive Officer Total       5992.39 6532.68
Grand Total        $ 6,488.65  $ 7,078.57

May 2020

Executive Officer 27-Apr-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 190.85 209.93
Executive Officer 27-Apr-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 81.79 89.97
Executive Officer 28-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Telstra 19.09 21.00
Executive Officer 28-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Telstra 8.18 9.00
Executive Officer 29-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 6.43 7.07
Executive Officer 29-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 2.75 3.03
Executive Officer 29-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Telstra 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 30-Apr-2020 Stationery Winc 491.66 540.83
Executive Officer 30-Apr-2020 Stationery Winc 210.71 231.78
Executive Officer 30-Apr-2020 Flu Vac Vouchers Ezi*vaxworks Health Se 31.66 34.83
Executive Officer 30-Apr-2020 Flu Vac Vouchers Ezi*vaxworks Health Se 13.57 14.93
Executive Officer 01-May-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Telstra 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 01-May-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 6.43 7.07
Executive Officer 01-May-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 2.75 3.03
Executive Officer 05-May-2020 Stationery Winc 53.65 59.01
Executive Officer 05-May-2020 Stationery Winc 22.99 25.29
Executive Officer 05-May-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 69.36 76.30
Executive Officer 05-May-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 29.73 32.70
Executive Officer 06-May-2020 Software Pp*fastspring 113.31 124.64
Executive Officer 06-May-2020 Software Pp*fastspring 48.56 53.42
Executive Officer 07-May-2020 Stationery Winc 121.12 133.23
Executive Officer 07-May-2020 Stationery Winc 51.91 57.10
Executive Officer 11-May-2020 Software - Quatrix Www.Maytech.Net 92.60 92.60
Executive Officer 11-May-2020 Software - Quatrix Www.Maytech.Net 39.68 39.68
Executive Officer 11-May-2020 Taxi - Administration Fee Cabcharge Australi 4.42 4.86
Executive Officer 11-May-2020 Taxi - Administration Fee Cabcharge Australi 1.10 1.21
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Hand Sanitisers - COVID-19 prevention Chemistdiscountcentre 20.35 22.39
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Hand Sanitisers - COVID-19 prevention Chemistdiscountcentre 8.72 9.59
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Offsite Document Storage - May 2020 Iron Mountain Australi 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Offsite Document Storage - May 2020 Iron Mountain Australi 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Copier Maintenance - April 2020 Kyocera Mita Aust 32.58 35.84
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Copier Maintenance - April 2020 Kyocera Mita Aust 13.96 15.36
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Consumables: Mouse Officeworks 0615 12.72 13.99
Executive Officer 12-May-2020 Consumables: Mouse Officeworks 0615 5.45 5.99
Executive Officer 13-May-2020 Resolution Institute membership  Leadr & Iama 362.73 399.00
Executive Officer 14-May-2020 Hand Sanitisers - COVID-19 prevention Winc 155.12 170.63
Executive Officer 14-May-2020 Hand Sanitisers - COVID-19 prevention Winc 66.48 73.13
Executive Officer 14-May-2020 Stationery Winc 2.08 2.29
Executive Officer 14-May-2020 Stationery Winc 0.89 0.98
Executive Officer 15-May-2020 Publication/Subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 15-May-2020 Publication/Subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 19-May-2020 Mental Health First Aid training  Ati Mirage 270.00 297.00
Executive Officer 19-May-2020 Mental Health First Aid training  Ati Mirage 270.00 297.00
Executive Officer 22-May-2020 Boxes Red Dot Stores 10.18 11.20
Executive Officer 22-May-2020 Boxes Red Dot Stores 4.36 4.80
Executive Officer 25-May-2020 Publication/Subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 190.85 209.93
Executive Officer 25-May-2020 Publication/Subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 81.79 89.97
Executive Officer Total       3351.21 3673.12
Grand Total        $ 3,351.21  $ 3,673.12

April 2020

Coordinator, Education and Communications 30-Mar-2020 City Parking during COVID-19 Cpp State Library 18.35 20.19
Coordinator, Education and Communications 30-Mar-2020 City Parking during COVID-19 Cpp State Library 24.78 27.26
Coordinator, Education and Communications 17-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Telstra 27.27 30.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications Total   70.40 77.45
Information Commissioner 30-Mar-2020 Catering for special staff meeting re COVID-19 Wembley Supa Iga 12.52 13.77
Information Commissioner 30-Mar-2020 Catering for special staff meeting re COVID-19 Wembley Supa Iga 5.36 5.90
Information Commissioner 20-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 25.45 28.00
Information Commissioner 20-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 10.91 12.00
Information Commissioner Total     54.24 59.67
Executive Officer 26-Mar-2020 Software Www.Maytech.Net 4.88 4.88
Executive Officer 26-Mar-2020 Software Www.Maytech.Net 2.09 2.09
Executive Officer 26-Mar-2020 Software Www.Maytech.Net 31.26 31.26
Executive Officer 26-Mar-2020 Software Www.Maytech.Net 13.40 13.40
Executive Officer 26-Mar-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 166.85 183.54
Executive Officer 26-Mar-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 71.51 78.66
Executive Officer 27-Mar-2020 Bereavement flowers Sarahs Flowers Pty L 90.94 100.03
Executive Officer 27-Mar-2020 Bereavement flowers Sarahs Flowers Pty L 38.97 42.87
Executive Officer 30-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 19.09 21.00
Executive Officer 30-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 8.18 9.00
Executive Officer 31-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 19.09 21.00
Executive Officer 31-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 8.18 9.00
Executive Officer 01-Apr-2020 Kitchen Supplies Woolworths 4365 10.82 11.90
Executive Officer 01-Apr-2020 Kitchen Supplies Woolworths 4365 4.64 5.10
Executive Officer 01-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Pandemic Cpp Citiplace 6.43 7.07
Executive Officer 01-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Pandemic Cpp Citiplace 2.75 3.03
Executive Officer 02-Apr-2020 Courier T And C Couriers 3.69 4.06
Executive Officer 02-Apr-2020 Courier T And C Couriers 1.58 1.74
Executive Officer 02-Apr-2020 Taxi administration account fee Cabcharge Australi 4.42 4.86
Executive Officer 02-Apr-2020 Taxi administration account fee Cabcharge Australi 1.10 1.21
Executive Officer 03-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 19.09 21.00
Executive Officer 03-Apr-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Phone Recharge Telstra 8.18 9.00
Executive Officer 06-Apr-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 69.36 76.30
Executive Officer 06-Apr-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 29.73 32.70
Executive Officer 06-Apr-2020 MS Office Tang Computers P/l 644.00 708.40
Executive Officer 06-Apr-2020 MS Office Tang Computers P/l 276.00 303.60
Executive Officer 06-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Pandemic Cpp Citiplace 6.43 7.07
Executive Officer 06-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Pandemic Cpp Citiplace 2.75 3.03
Executive Officer 08-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Pandemic Cpp Citiplace 6.43 7.07
Executive Officer 08-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Pandemic Cpp Citiplace 2.75 3.03
Executive Officer 09-Apr-2020 Software Www.Maytech.Net 98.31 98.31
Executive Officer 09-Apr-2020 Software Www.Maytech.Net 42.13 42.13
Executive Officer 09-Apr-2020 Upgrade current subscription due to COVID-19 Teamviewer.Com* 4464.85 4911.34
Executive Officer 09-Apr-2020 Upgrade current subscription due to COVID-19 Teamviewer.Com* 1913.51 2104.86
Executive Officer 09-Apr-2020 ICT Charges - April 2020 Department Of Finance 199.36 219.30
Executive Officer 09-Apr-2020 ICT Charges - April 2020 Department Of Finance 85.44 93.98
Executive Officer 15-Apr-2020 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Sq *it2me 184.55 203.00
Executive Officer 15-Apr-2020 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Sq *it2me 79.09 87.00
Executive Officer 15-Apr-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 15-Apr-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 15-Apr-2020 Parking due to COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 6.43 7.07
Executive Officer 15-Apr-2020 Parking due to COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 2.75 3.03
Executive Officer 20-Apr-2020 Flu Vac Vouchers Ezi*vaxworks Health Se 63.33 69.66
Executive Officer 20-Apr-2020 Flu Vac Vouchers Ezi*vaxworks Health Se 27.15 29.86
Executive Officer 20-Apr-2020 Embracing Risk: 2 invs - 3 corp + 1 prsnl mbrshp Ipaa 43.64 48.00
Executive Officer 20-Apr-2020 Embracing Risk: 2 invs - 3 corp + 1 prsnl mbrshp Ipaa 19.09 21.00
Executive Officer 20-Apr-2020 Embracing Risk: 2 invs - 3 corp + 1 prsnl mbrshp Ipaa 178.32 196.15
Executive Officer 20-Apr-2020 Embracing Risk: 2 invs - 3 corp + 1 prsnl mbrshp Ipaa 137.27 151.00
Executive Officer 21-Apr-2020 2x chairs (S & XS) Arteil Wa Pty Ltd 455.00 500.50
Executive Officer 21-Apr-2020 2x chairs (S & XS) Arteil Wa Pty Ltd 195.00 214.50
Executive Officer 21-Apr-2020 Office Phones and directory charges Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.87 11.96
Executive Officer 21-Apr-2020 Office Phones and directory charges Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.65 5.12
Executive Officer 21-Apr-2020 Office Phones and directory charges Telstra Bill Paymnt 802.90 883.19
Executive Officer 21-Apr-2020 Office Phones and directory charges Telstra Bill Paymnt 344.10 378.51
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 6.43 7.07
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Parking during COVID-19 Cpp Citiplace 2.75 3.03
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Surface Pro dock port - WFH Jb Hi Fi Sheffield H 56.64 62.30
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Surface Pro dock port - WFH Jb Hi Fi Sheffield H 24.27 26.70
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 204.46 224.91
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 87.63 96.39
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Partial fee - secure bin replace Iron Mountain Australi 3.58 3.94
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Partial fee - secure bin replace Iron Mountain Australi 1.54 1.69
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 53.68 59.05
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 23.00 25.30
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 22-Apr-2020 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 24-Apr-2020 Software - Patches Unixpac Group 781.20 859.32
Executive Officer 24-Apr-2020 Software - Patches Unixpac Group 334.80 368.28
Executive Officer Total       12586.42 13825.87
Grand Total       $12,711.06 $13,962.99

March 2020

Coordinator, Education and Communications 20-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Telstra 19.09 21.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications 20-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Mobile Telstra 8.18 9.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications Total 27.27 30.00
Information Commissioner 05-Mar-2020 Taxi - WA GOV Innovation Showcase Swan Taxis 13 13 30 7.22 7.94
Information Commissioner 05-Mar-2020 Taxi - WA GOV Innovation Showcase Swan Taxis 13 13 30 1.80 1.98
Information Commissioner 16-Mar-2020 Refund on Airfares due to COVID-19 TVL REST. Qantas Airw -1187.11 -1305.82
Information Commissioner 16-Mar-2020 Refund on Airfares due to COVID-19 TVL REST. Qantas Airw -296.78 -326.46
Information Commissioner 17-Mar-2020 CMT Refund Processing fee Corporate Travel Manag 7.07 7.78
Information Commissioner 17-Mar-2020 CMT Refund Processing fee Corporate Travel Manag 3.04 3.34
Information Commissioner 17-Mar-2020 CTM Refund Processing Fee Corporate Travel Manag 7.07 7.78
Information Commissioner 17-Mar-2020 CTM Refund Processing Fee Corporate Travel Manag 3.04 3.34
Information Commissioner 18-Mar-2020 Refund on Airfares due to COVID-19 TVL REST. Virgin Austr7959474861018 -984.88 -1083.37
Information Commissioner 18-Mar-2020 Refund on Airfares due to COVID-19 TVL REST. Virgin Austr7959474861018 -246.22 -270.84
Information Commissioner 18-Mar-2020 Taxi - Speaker @Legalwise Seminar Swan Taxis 13 13 30 7.56 8.32
Information Commissioner 18-Mar-2020 Taxi - Speaker @Legalwise Seminar Swan Taxis 13 13 30 1.89 2.08
Information Commissioner Total -2676.30 -2943.93
Executive Officer 26-Feb-2020 ICT Charges -  March 2020 Department Of Finance 199.36 219.30
Executive Officer 26-Feb-2020 ICT Charges -  March 2020 Department Of Finance 85.44 93.98
Executive Officer 26-Feb-2020 Consumables Tang Computers P/l 874.08 961.49
Executive Officer 26-Feb-2020 Consumables Tang Computers P/l 374.60 412.06
Executive Officer 28-Feb-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 70.00 77.00
Executive Officer 28-Feb-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 30.00 33.00
Executive Officer 05-Mar-2020 Publications: 2x FOI Act & FOI Regulations State Law Publisher 42.89 47.18
Executive Officer 05-Mar-2020 Publications: 2x FOI Act & FOI Regulations State Law Publisher 18.38 20.22
Executive Officer 05-Mar-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 69.36 76.30
Executive Officer 05-Mar-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 29.73 32.70
Executive Officer 09-Mar-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 65.13 71.64
Executive Officer 09-Mar-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 27.91 30.70
Executive Officer 09-Mar-2020 Software - March 2020 Www.Maytech.Net 19.33 19.33
Executive Officer 09-Mar-2020 Software - March 2020 Www.Maytech.Net 8.29 8.29
Executive Officer 16-Mar-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 31.82 35.00
Executive Officer 16-Mar-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 13.64 15.00
Executive Officer 16-Mar-2020 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 16-Mar-2020 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 18-Mar-2020 Office Phones, equipment and directory charges Telstra Bill Paymnt 1847.63 2032.39
Executive Officer 18-Mar-2020 Office Phones, equipment and directory charges Telstra Bill Paymnt 791.84 871.02
Executive Officer 19-Mar-2020 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 19-Mar-2020 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 19-Mar-2020 ICT Charges Department Of Finance 964.38 1060.82
Executive Officer 19-Mar-2020 ICT Charges  Department Of Finance 413.31 454.64
Executive Officer 19-Mar-2020 Pre-paid phones for use during COVID-19 pandemic Woolworths 4365 201.09 221.20
Executive Officer 19-Mar-2020 Pre-paid phones for use during COVID-19 pandemic Woolworths 4365 86.18 94.80
Executive Officer 20-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Services Telstra 19.09 21.00
Executive Officer 20-Mar-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Services Telstra 8.18 9.00
Executive Officer 25-Mar-2020 Subscription: Acrobat Pro DC for 12 users Acrobat Pro Subs 190.85 209.93
Executive Officer 25-Mar-2020 Subscription: Acrobat Pro DC for 12 users Acrobat Pro Subs 81.79 89.97
Executive Officer Total 6638.41 7299.48
Grand Total       $39,89.38 $43,85.55

February 2020

Coordinator, Education and Communications 11-Feb-2020 Subscription - Rcmdd by Office of Digital Conf. Jotform Inc. 184.80 184.80
Coordinator, Education and Communications 11-Feb-2020 Subscription - Rcmdd by Office of Digital Conf. Jotform Inc. 79.20 79.20
Coordinator, Education and Communications 20-Feb-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Services - exp 19/02/2021 Telstra 114.55 126.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications 20-Feb-2020 Telstra Pre-Paid Services - exp 19/02/2021 Telstra 49.09 54.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications Total   427.64 444.00
Information Commissioner 05-Feb-2020 Parking for FOI Presentation @ UWA University Of Wester 4.36 4.80
Information Commissioner 05-Feb-2020 Parking for FOI Presentation @ UWA University Of Wester 1.09 1.20
Information Commissioner Total     5.45 6.00
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 Software - Shared Services 20/03/2020 - 19/03/2021 Philight Software Inte 182.70 200.97
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 Software - Shared Services 20/03/2020 - 19/03/2021 Philight Software Inte 78.30 86.13
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 ICT Charges - 1/02/2020 - 29/02/2020 Department Of Finance 199.36 219.30
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 ICT Charges - 1/02/2020 - 29/02/2020 Department Of Finance 85.44 93.98
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 Kyocera - New Printer & Dispose Old Kyocera Mita Aust 411.35 452.48
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 Kyocera - New Printer & Dispose Old Kyocera Mita Aust 177.83 195.61
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 Kyocera - New Printer & Dispose Old Kyocera Mita Aust 72.55 79.80
Executive Officer 28-Jan-2020 Kyocera - New Printer & Dispose Old Kyocera Mita Aust 32.55 35.80
Executive Officer 29-Jan-2020 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp  - Datacom Datacom Systems Wa 1872.63 2059.89
Executive Officer 29-Jan-2020 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp  - Datacom Datacom Systems Wa 802.55 882.81
Executive Officer 03-Feb-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 69.36 76.30
Executive Officer 03-Feb-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 29.73 32.70
Executive Officer 04-Feb-2020 Stationery Winc 208.74 229.61
Executive Officer 04-Feb-2020 Stationery Winc 89.45 98.40
Executive Officer 04-Feb-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 101.82 112.00
Executive Officer 04-Feb-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 43.64 48.00
Executive Officer 06-Feb-2020 Stationery Winc 63.75 70.13
Executive Officer 06-Feb-2020 Stationery Winc 27.32 30.05
Executive Officer 06-Feb-2020 Prepaid service hours for IT support Tang Computers P/l 2943.18 3237.50
Executive Officer 06-Feb-2020 Prepaid service hours for IT support Tang Computers P/l 1261.36 1387.50
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Software Feb - Mar Www.Maytech.Net 19.11 19.11
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Software Feb - Mar Www.Maytech.Net 8.19 8.19
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Couriers T And C Couriers 3.69 4.06
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Couriers T And C Couriers 1.58 1.74
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Printer Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 46.31 50.94
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Printer Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 19.85 21.83
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 386.48 425.13
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 165.64 182.20
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Kyocera Toner Screenlink Pty Ltd 126.70 139.37
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Kyocera Toner Screenlink Pty Ltd 54.30 59.73
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Administration Fee Cabcharge Australi 3.86 4.25
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Administration Fee Cabcharge Australi 1.65 1.82
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 IPAA - Developing Resilience Ipaa 309.09 340.00
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.50 11.55
Executive Officer 10-Feb-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.50 4.95
Executive Officer 11-Feb-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 65.47 72.02
Executive Officer 11-Feb-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 28.06 30.87
Executive Officer 11-Feb-2020 Kitchen supplies - Philips L'Or coffee machine Myer Perth City 161.64 177.80
Executive Officer 11-Feb-2020 Kitchen supplies - Philips L'Or coffee machine Myer Perth City 69.27 76.20
Executive Officer 13-Feb-2020 Lonnie Awards  Ipaa 180.85 198.94
Executive Officer 13-Feb-2020 Lonnie Awards  Ipaa 77.51 85.26
Executive Officer 14-Feb-2020 Executive Writing Skills  Ipaa 355.25 390.78
Executive Officer 14-Feb-2020 Executive Writing Skills  Ipaa 152.25 167.47
Executive Officer 17-Feb-2020 Kitchen supplies Woolworths 4365 7.56 8.32
Executive Officer 17-Feb-2020 Kitchen supplies Woolworths 4365 3.25 3.57
Executive Officer 17-Feb-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 17-Feb-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 18-Feb-2020 Corporate Memberships (COAT) Council Of Australas 25.00 27.50
Executive Officer 18-Feb-2020 Corporate Memberships (COAT) Council Of Australas 25.00 27.50
Executive Officer 20-Feb-2020 Project Management Absolute Beginners Book Boffins Bookshop 27.97 30.77
Executive Officer 20-Feb-2020 Project Management Absolute Beginners Book Boffins Bookshop 11.98 13.18
Executive Officer 24-Feb-2020 FILE CLOSED Stamp Mosskey Pty Ltd 63.95 70.35
Executive Officer 24-Feb-2020 FILE CLOSED Stamp Mosskey Pty Ltd 27.41 30.15
Executive Officer 24-Feb-2020 Recycle of broken printer Kyocera Mita Aust 35.53 39.08
Executive Officer 24-Feb-2020 Recycle of broken printer Kyocera Mita Aust 15.23 16.75
Executive Officer Total       11322.35 12451.86
Grand Total        $ 11,755.44  $ 12,901.86

January 2020

Information Commissioner 09-Jan-2020 Flights to Melbourne for AIAC Meeting Qantas Airw 1049.48 1154.43
Information Commissioner 09-Jan-2020 Flights to Melbourne for AIAC Meeting Qantas Airw 449.77 494.75
Information Commissioner 09-Jan-2020 Accommodation for AIAC meeting Travel Reservation 262.82 289.10
Information Commissioner 09-Jan-2020 Accommodation for AIAC meeting Travel Reservation 112.64 123.90
Information Commissioner 10-Jan-2020 Flights to Perth from Melbourne - AIAC Meeting Virgin Austr7959474861018 868.77 955.65
Information Commissioner 10-Jan-2020 Flights to Perth from Melbourne - AIAC Meeting Virgin Austr7959474861018 372.33 409.56
Information Commissioner 10-Jan-2020 Booking fee through CTM Corporate Travel Manag 3.19 3.51
Information Commissioner 10-Jan-2020 Booking fee through CTM Corporate Travel Manag 1.36 1.50
Information Commissioner Total     3120.36 3432.40
Executive Officer 31-Dec-2019 Quatrix 8/01/2020 - 7/02/2020 Www.Maytech.Net 18.27 18.27
Executive Officer 31-Dec-2019 Quatrix 8/01/2020 - 7/02/2020 Www.Maytech.Net 7.83 7.83
Executive Officer 06-Jan-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 69.36 76.30
Executive Officer 06-Jan-2020 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 29.73 32.70
Executive Officer 07-Jan-2020 Audit Committees: A Guide to Good Practice 3rd edition Company Director 25.45 28.00
Executive Officer 07-Jan-2020 Audit Committees: A Guide to Good Practice 3rd edition Company Director 10.91 12.00
Executive Officer 08-Jan-2020 Account Keeping Fee Cabcharge Australi 4.42 4.86
Executive Officer 08-Jan-2020 Account Keeping Fee Cabcharge Australi 1.10 1.21
Executive Officer 08-Jan-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 95.45 105.00
Executive Officer 08-Jan-2020 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 40.91 45.00
Executive Officer 08-Jan-2020 Postage & Stamps (price increase difference) Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 6.36 7.00
Executive Officer 08-Jan-2020 Postage & Stamps (price increase difference) Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 2.73 3.00
Executive Officer 09-Jan-2020 Stationery Complete Office Supp 86.11 94.72
Executive Officer 09-Jan-2020 Stationery Complete Office Supp 36.91 40.60
Executive Officer 10-Jan-2020 Offsite Document Storage January 2020 Iron Mountain Australi 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 10-Jan-2020 Offsite Document Storage January 2020 Iron Mountain Australi 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 14-Jan-2020 Banner for FOI in WA Conference Wall Art Australia Pty 131.00 144.10
Executive Officer 15-Jan-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 15-Jan-2020 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 15-Jan-2020 Renewal Security Software Dri*tmssoftware.Com 35.57 39.13
Executive Officer 15-Jan-2020 Renewal Security Software Dri*tmssoftware.Com 15.25 16.77
Executive Officer 16-Jan-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 12.50 13.75
Executive Officer 16-Jan-2020 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 5.36 5.90
Executive Officer 16-Jan-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 136.24 149.86
Executive Officer 16-Jan-2020 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 58.39 64.23
Executive Officer 17-Jan-2020 SSO CPD Program (6 staff) - October 2019 Dept Of Justice-Financ 454.55 500.00
Executive Officer 17-Jan-2020 SSO CPD Program (6 staff) - October 2019 Dept Of Justice-Financ 90.91 100.00
Executive Officer 17-Jan-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 17.99 19.79
Executive Officer 17-Jan-2020 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 7.71 8.48
Executive Officer 20-Jan-2020 First aid supplies Priceline Perth Cents 24.76 27.24
Executive Officer 20-Jan-2020 First aid supplies Priceline Perth Cents 10.62 11.68
Executive Officer 22-Jan-2020 Letterhead paper Quality Press 315.00 346.50
Executive Officer 22-Jan-2020 Letterhead paper Quality Press 135.00 148.50
Executive Officer 24-Jan-2020 Temp staff Integrity Staffing 346.88 381.57
Executive Officer Total       2307.38 2535.51
Grand Total       $5,427.74 $5,967.91

December 2019

Information Commissioner 03-Dec-2019 Parking @ Parliament House - OAG Anniversary Event City Of Perth Parking- 9.04 9.94
Information Commissioner 03-Dec-2019 Parking @ Parliament House - OAG Anniversary Event City Of Perth Parking- 2.25 2.48
Information Commissioner Total     11.29 12.42
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Maytech Software: 8 December 2019 - 7 January 2020 Www.Maytech.Net 18.81 18.81
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Maytech Software: 8 December 2019 - 7 January 2020 Www.Maytech.Net 8.06 8.06
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Kyocera Toner - Cyan Screenlink Pty Ltd 126.7 139.37
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Kyocera Toner - Cyan Screenlink Pty Ltd 54.3 59.73
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Copier Maintenance - October 2019 Kyocera Mita Aust 199.75 219.72
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Copier Maintenance - October 2019 Kyocera Mita Aust 85.60 94.16
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Couriers T And C Couriers 3.57 3.93
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Couriers T And C Couriers 1.54 1.69
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Software - Subscription (annual) 2co.Com*devart.Com 82.44 90.68
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Software - Subscription (annual) 2co.Com*devart.Com 35.33 38.86
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Stationery Winc 14.23 15.65
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Stationery Winc 6.09 6.70
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 First aid supplies St John Ambulance Aust 63.92 70.31
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 First aid supplies St John Ambulance Aust 27.40 30.14
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Offsite Document Storage 01/11/2019 - 30/11/2019 Iron Mountain Australi 45.17 49.69
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Offsite Document Storage 01/11/2019 - 30/11/2019 Iron Mountain Australi 19.36 21.30
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Subscription - Survey Monkey Surveymonkey 479.01 526.91
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 Subscription - Survey Monkey Surveymonkey 205.29 225.82
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 IPAA: Pushing the Boundaries Ipaa 25.45 28.00
Executive Officer 26-Nov-2019 IPAA: Pushing the Boundaries  Ipaa 10.91 1.00
Executive Officer 27-Nov-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 480.81 528.89
Executive Officer 27-Nov-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 206.05 226.66
Executive Officer 27-Nov-2019 Classification consultancy - Review Officer Price Consulting Group 363.00 399.30
Executive Officer 04-Dec-2019 LimeSurvey biannual payment 3/12/2019 - 2/06/2020 Paypal *limesurvey 73.02 73.02
Executive Officer 04-Dec-2019 LimeSurvey biannual payment 3/12/2019 - 2/06/2020 Paypal *limesurvey 31.29 31.29
Executive Officer 04-Dec-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 63.64 70.00
Executive Officer 04-Dec-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 05-Dec-2019 ICT Charges: 1/12/2019 - 31/12/2019 Department Of Finance 199.36 219.30
Executive Officer 05-Dec-2019 ICT Charges: 1/12/2019 - 31/12/2019 Department Of Finance 85.44 93.98
Executive Officer 05-Dec-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 136.79 150.47
Executive Officer 05-Dec-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 58.63 64.49
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Taxi - Keynote Speaker for FOI Conference Cabcharge Australi 249.95 274.94
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Kyocera Toner - Black Screenlink Pty Ltd 108.50 119.35
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Kyocera Toner - Black Screenlink Pty Ltd 46.50 51.15
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Office Phones and equipment - November 2019 Telstra Bill Paymnt 11.05 12.15
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Office Phones and equipment - November 2019 Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.73 5.20
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Thank you Flowers - Fiona Stanley Hospital  Sp * Fionas Florist 90.91 100.00
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Kyocera Toner - Magenta Screenlink Pty Ltd 126.70 139.37
Executive Officer 10-Dec-2019 Kyocera Toner - Magenta Screenlink Pty Ltd 54.30 59.73
Executive Officer 11-Dec-2019 Couriers T And C Couriers 58.75 64.63
Executive Officer 11-Dec-2019 Couriers T And C Couriers 25.18 27.7
Executive Officer 11-Dec-2019 Offsite Document Storage: 1/12/2019 - 31/12/2019 Iron Mountain Australi 51.35 56.48
Executive Officer 11-Dec-2019 Offsite Document Storage: 1/12/2019 - 31/12/2019 Iron Mountain Australi 22.01 24.21
Executive Officer 16-Dec-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 16-Dec-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 18-Dec-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 63.00 69.30
Executive Officer 18-Dec-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 27.00 29.70
Executive Officer 18-Dec-2019 Refund: Charged twice Sli Do -288.94 -288.94
Executive Officer 18-Dec-2019 Stationery Officeworks 0615 34.26 37.69
Executive Officer 18-Dec-2019 Stationery Officeworks 0615 14.69 16.16
Executive Officer 19-Dec-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 398.18 438.00
Executive Officer 19-Dec-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 170.65 187.72
Executive Officer 19-Dec-2019 Stationery Winc 35.62 39.18
Executive Officer 19-Dec-2019 Stationery Winc 15.26 16.79
Executive Officer 23-Dec-2019 ICT Charges: 1/01/2020 - 31/01/2020 Department Of Finance 199.36 219.30
Executive Officer 23-Dec-2019 ICT Charges: 1/01/2020 - 31/01/2020 Department Of Finance 85.44 93.98
Executive Officer 23-Dec-2019 Safety and Health Representative Workshop  Training Services Aust 604.55 665.00
Executive Officer 23-Dec-2019 Safety and Health Representative Workshop Training Services Aust 259.09 285.00
Executive Officer Total       5726.31 6314.71
Grand Total        $ 5,737.60  $ 6,327.13

November 2019

Coordinator, Education and Communications 18-Nov-2019 USB drives for FOI in WA Conf. 5x16GB & 3x32GB Officeworks 0615 65.22 71.74
Coordinator, Education and Communications 20-Nov-2019 USB drives for FOI in WA Conf. 2x64GB & 1x128GB Officeworks 0615 71.78 78.96
Coordinator, Education and Communications 22-Nov-2019 Slido (Upgrade) for FOI in WA Conference Sli Do 519.31 519.31
Coordinator, Education and Communications Total   656.31 670.01
Information Commissioner 28-Oct-2019 Parking: Presentation @ Objective Conf. City Of Perth Parking- 6.24 6.86
Information Commissioner 28-Oct-2019 Parking: Presentation @ Objective Conf. City Of Perth Parking- 1.56 1.72
Information Commissioner 13-Nov-2019 Park @ Review of the Digital WA Strategy Workshop City Of Perth Parking- 9.04 9.94
Information Commissioner 13-Nov-2019 Park @ Review of the Digital WA Strategy Workshop City Of Perth Parking- 2.25 2.48
Information Commissioner 13-Nov-2019 Parking: Dumas House City Of Perth Parking- 3.01 3.31
Information Commissioner 13-Nov-2019 Parking: Dumas House City Of Perth Parking- 0.75 0.83
Information Commissioner 14-Nov-2019 Parking: Convention Centre: Ethics Seminar Cpp Convention Centre 8.82 9.70
Information Commissioner 14-Nov-2019 Parking: Convention Centre: Ethics Seminar Cpp Convention Centre 2.20 2.42
Information Commissioner 14-Nov-2019 Parking - Women in Public Sector Leadership Conf. City Of Perth Parking- 12.12 13.33
Information Commissioner 14-Nov-2019 Parking - Women in Public Sector Leadership Conf. City Of Perth Parking- 3.03 3.33
Information Commissioner 25-Nov-2019 Parking @ FSH for FOI in WA Conf. Fiona Stanley Hospital 19.09 21.00
Information Commissioner Total     68.11 74.92
Information Services Manager 07-Nov-2019 The Australian Digital Pass Subscription News Limited 22.91 25.20
Information Services Manager 07-Nov-2019 The Australian Digital Pass Subscription News Limited 9.82 10.80
Information Services Manager 13-Nov-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Dnh*godaddy.Com Australia 153.99 169.39
Information Services Manager 13-Nov-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Dnh*godaddy.Com Australia 65.99 72.59
Information Services Manager Total     252.71 277.98
Executive Officer 28-Oct-2019 Whiteboard Ofwks Online Bentleigh 19.68 21.65
Executive Officer 28-Oct-2019 Whiteboard Ofwks Online Bentleigh 8.44 9.28
Executive Officer 29-Oct-2019 Storage Containers Red Dot Stores 12.73 14.00
Executive Officer 29-Oct-2019 Storage Containers Red Dot Stores 5.45 6.00
Executive Officer 29-Oct-2019 Quatrix  8/11/2019 - 7/12/2019 Www.Maytech.Net 18.71 18.71
Executive Officer 29-Oct-2019 Quatrix  8/11/2019 - 7/12/2019 Www.Maytech.Net 8.02 8.02
Executive Officer 29-Oct-2019 First aid supplies Pharmacity & Mall Ne 12.70 13.97
Executive Officer 29-Oct-2019 First aid supplies Pharmacity & Mall Ne 5.44 5.98
Executive Officer 30-Oct-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 161.45 177.60
Executive Officer 30-Oct-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 69.19 76.11
Executive Officer 01-Nov-2019 Hire Equipment for FOI in WA Conference Ha Hire Pty Ltd 452.70 497.97
Executive Officer 04-Nov-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 63.64 70.00
Executive Officer 04-Nov-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 05-Nov-2019 Insights Breakfast: The Transition to Leadership Ipaa 22.27 24.50
Executive Officer 05-Nov-2019 Insights Breakfast: The Transition to Leadership Ipaa 9.55 10.50
Executive Officer 06-Nov-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 266.33 292.96
Executive Officer 06-Nov-2019 Stationery Complete Office Supp 114.14 125.55
Executive Officer 07-Nov-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 95.45 105.00
Executive Officer 07-Nov-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 40.91 45.00
Executive Officer 07-Nov-2019 IPAA YPl Membership 7/11/19 - 6/11/2020 Ipaa 118.18 130.00
Executive Officer 08-Nov-2019 Fire equipment maintenance Wormald Fire Systems 84.00 92.40
Executive Officer 08-Nov-2019 Fire equipment maintenance Wormald Fire Systems 36.00 39.60
Executive Officer 08-Nov-2019 ICT Charges - 1 November - 30 November 2019 Department Of Finance 199.36 219.30
Executive Officer 08-Nov-2019 ICT Charges - 1 November - 30 November 2019 Department Of Finance 85.44 93.98
Executive Officer 11-Nov-2019 Kyocera Black Toner Screenlink Pty Ltd 108.50 119.35
Executive Officer 11-Nov-2019 Kyocera Black Toner Screenlink Pty Ltd 46.50 51.15
Executive Officer 12-Nov-2019 Refund: Stationery Winc -21.56 -23.72
Executive Officer 12-Nov-2019 Refund: Stationery Winc -9.24 -10.16
Executive Officer 12-Nov-2019 Stationery for FOI in WA Conference Officeworks 0615 53.85 59.23
Executive Officer 14-Nov-2019 Refund: Stationery Complete Office Supp -2.54 -2.79
Executive Officer 14-Nov-2019 Refund: Stationery Complete Office Supp -1.08 -1.19
Executive Officer 14-Nov-2019 Refund: Stationery Complete Office Supp -0.64 -0.70
Executive Officer 14-Nov-2019 Refund: Stationery Complete Office Supp -0.27 -0.30
Executive Officer 18-Nov-2019 Catering - FOI in WA Conference Ofwks Online Bentleigh 735.09 808.60
Executive Officer 19-Nov-2019 Catering - FOI in WA Conference Woolworths 4365 16.36 18.00
Executive Officer 19-Nov-2019 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Executive Officer 19-Nov-2019 Adobe subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Executive Officer 20-Nov-2019 Catering: Milk for FOI in WA Conference Woolworths On Line 51.49 51.49
Executive Officer 20-Nov-2019 Catering: Milk for FOI in WA Conference Woolworths On Line 13.64 15.00
Executive Officer 20-Nov-2019 Catering: FOI Conf. & Morning Tea for OVIC visit Woolworths 4365 9.27 10.20
Executive Officer 20-Nov-2019 Catering: FOI Conf. & Morning Tea for OVIC visit Woolworths 4365 27.75 27.75
Executive Officer 20-Nov-2019 Refund Overcharge - Stationery for FOI in WA Conf. Officeworks Ltd -8.45 -9.30
Executive Officer 22-Nov-2019 Refund Woolworths On Line -1.00 -1.00
Executive Officer 22-Nov-2019 Parking - to transport supplies for FOI Conf. Cpp Citiplace 18.35 20.19
Executive Officer 22-Nov-2019 Hotel Stay for Keynote Speaker re: FOI Conf. Qf Franchise Mngt 283.79 312.17
Executive Officer 22-Nov-2019 Supplies for FOI in WA Conference Officeworks 0601 46.29 50.92
Executive Officer 22-Nov-2019 Card reader for camera Officeworks 0615 22.25 24.47
Executive Officer 22-Nov-2019 Card reader for camera Officeworks 0615 9.53 10.48
Executive Officer 25-Nov-2019 Parking - Transport items for FOI conf. to office Cpp Citiplace 18.35 20.19
Executive Officer 25-Nov-2019 Shelving supports for cupboard Bunnings 368000 2.74 3.01
Executive Officer 25-Nov-2019 Shelving supports for cupboard Bunnings 368000 1.17 1.29
Executive Officer 25-Nov-2019 Office phones - 29 October 2019 - 28 November 2019 Telstra Bill Paymnt 11.65 12.82
Executive Officer 25-Nov-2019 Office phones - 29 October 2019 - 28 November 2019 Telstra Bill Paymnt 5.00 5.50
Executive Officer Total       3393.83 3722.72
Grand Total       $4,370.96 $4,745.63

October 2019

Coordinator, Education and Communications 01-Oct-2019 Subscription Clicksend.Com Recharge 18.18 20.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications 02-Oct-2019 Catering - FOI Workshop Coles 0481 19.55 21.50
Coordinator, Education and Communications 02-Oct-2019 Catering - FOI Workshop Coles 0481 3.10 3.10
Coordinator, Education and Communications 14-Oct-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 286.36 315.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications 14-Oct-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 122.73 135.00
Coordinator, Education and Communications Total 449.92 494.60
Information Commissioner 03-Oct-2019 National Police Clearance Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 40.07 44.08
Information Commissioner 03-Oct-2019 National Police Clearance Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 10.02 11.02
Information Commissioner 21-Oct-2019 Internet usuage Reivernet Pty Ltd 7.27 8.00
Information Commissioner 21-Oct-2019 Internet usuage Reivernet Pty Ltd 1.82 2.00
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Taxi Adelaide Airport to Hotel for Archives Conf. Live Taxi Australia 22.95 25.25
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Taxi Adelaide Airport to Hotel for Archives Conf. Live Taxi Australia 5.74 6.31
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Taxi from Hotel to Archives Conf. Adelaide Suburban Taxi 131008 8.13 8.94
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Taxi from Hotel to Archives Conf. Adelaide Suburban Taxi 131008 2.04 2.24
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Taxi Archives Conf. to Airport - Adelaide Suburban Taxi 131008 22.56 24.82
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Taxi Archives Conf. to Airport - Adelaide Suburban Taxi 131008 5.64 6.20
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Meal during Archives Conf. Adelaide Gate Gourmet Va Retail 13.82 15.20
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Meal during Archives Conf. Adelaide Gate Gourmet Va Retail 3.45 3.80
Information Commissioner 22-Oct-2019 Sydney Perth Sydney - Keynote Speaker for Conference  Qantas Airw 4591.80 5050.98
Information Commissioner 23-Oct-2019 Fees for booking flights for Keynote Speaker for Conference  Corporate Travel Manag 4.55 5.01
Information Commissioner 23-Oct-2019 Taxi from Airport to Home - From Archives Conf. Swan Taxis 13 13 30 52.62 57.88
Information Commissioner 23-Oct-2019 Taxi from Airport to Home - From Archives Conf. Swan Taxis 13 13 30 13.15 14.47
Information Commissioner Total     4805.63 5286.20
Information Services Manager 27-Sep-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Dnh*godaddy.Com Aud 157.49 173.24
Information Services Manager 27-Sep-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Dnh*godaddy.Com Aud 67.50 74.25
Information Services Manager 30-Sep-2019 Pair of Adjustable Arms Advanta Group Pty. Ltd 79.10 87.01
Information Services Manager 30-Sep-2019 Pair of Adjustable Arms Advanta Group Pty. Ltd 33.90 37.29
Information Services Manager 03-Oct-2019 Maytech 8 October 2019 - 7 November 2019 Www.Maytech.Net 19.08 19.08
Information Services Manager 03-Oct-2019 Maytech 8 October 2019 - 7 November 2019 Www.Maytech.Net 8.18 8.18
Information Services Manager 09-Oct-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Techsmith Corporation 13.14 13.14
Information Services Manager 09-Oct-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Techsmith Corporation 5.63 5.63
Information Services Manager 09-Oct-2019 WD Elements 2TB Hard-disk Jb Hi Fi Sheffield H 63.00 69.30
Information Services Manager 09-Oct-2019 WD Elements 2TB Hard-disk Jb Hi Fi Sheffield H 27.00 29.70
Information Services Manager 10-Oct-2019 The Australian Digital Pass Subscription News Limited 22.91 25.20
Information Services Manager 10-Oct-2019 The Australian Digital Pass Subscription News Limited 9.82 10.80
Information Services Manager 10-Oct-2019 Disk Data Recovery Data365 Pty Ltd 369.09 406.00
Information Services Manager 10-Oct-2019 Disk Data Recovery Data365 Pty Ltd 158.18 174.00
Information Services Manager 15-Oct-2019 Webroot Endpoint Prot MSP - 1 year Tang Computers P/l 375.45 413.00
Information Services Manager 15-Oct-2019 Webroot Endpoint Prot MSP - 1 year Tang Computers P/l 160.91 177.00
Information Services Manager 15-Oct-2019 Software - Hard drives Tang Computers P/l 847.64 932.40
Information Services Manager 15-Oct-2019 Software - Hard drives Tang Computers P/l 363.27 399.60
Information Services Manager 15-Oct-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Information Services Manager 15-Oct-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Information Services Manager 22-Oct-2019 Renewal of SPAM Software Tang Computers P/l 403.45 443.80
Information Services Manager 22-Oct-2019 Renewal of SPAM Software Tang Computers P/l 172.91 190.20
Information Services Manager 22-Oct-2019 APC Magazine Doogues Luckylotteries 6.34 6.97
Information Services Manager 22-Oct-2019 APC Magazine Doogues Luckylotteries 2.71 2.98
Information Services Manager 25-Oct-2019 Office Chairs Arteil Wa Pty Ltd 583.80 642.18
Information Services Manager 25-Oct-2019 Office Chairs Arteil Wa Pty Ltd 250.20 275.22
Information Services Manager Total     4220.69 4638.16
Executive Officer 27-Sep-2019 Temp staff  Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 27-Sep-2019 Temp staff  Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 27-Sep-2019 ICT Charges - September 2019 Department Of Finance 275.12 302.63
Executive Officer 27-Sep-2019 ICT Charges - September 2019 Department Of Finance 117.91 129.70
Executive Officer 27-Sep-2019 ICT Charges - October 2019 Department Of Finance 199.36 219.30
Executive Officer 27-Sep-2019 ICT Charges - October 2019 Department Of Finance 85.44 93.98
Executive Officer 30-Sep-2019 Classification Review of Information Services Mngr Price Consulting Group 1056.00 1161.60
Executive Officer 30-Sep-2019 Classification Review of Information Services Mngr Price Consulting Group 1056.00 1161.60
Executive Officer 30-Sep-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 69.09 76.00
Executive Officer 30-Sep-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 29.61 32.57
Executive Officer 03-Oct-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Day Woolworths 4365 4.45 4.90
Executive Officer 03-Oct-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Day Woolworths 4365 1.91 2.10
Executive Officer 03-Oct-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Day Woolworths 4365 13.16 13.16
Executive Officer 03-Oct-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Day Woolworths 4365 5.64 5.64
Executive Officer 04-Oct-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 63.64 70.00
Executive Officer 04-Oct-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 07-Oct-2019 Stationery Winc 26.22 28.84
Executive Officer 07-Oct-2019 Stationery Winc 11.24 12.36
Executive Officer 15-Oct-2019 Temp staff  Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 15-Oct-2019 Temp staff  Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 15-Oct-2019 Stationery Winc 21.56 23.72
Executive Officer 15-Oct-2019 Stationery Winc 9.24 10.16
Executive Officer 15-Oct-2019 Office phones 29 Sept - 28 Oct Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.75 11.83
Executive Officer 15-Oct-2019 Office phones 29 Sept - 28 Oct Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.61 5.07
Executive Officer 15-Oct-2019 Temp staff Integrity Staffing 1352.40 1487.64
Executive Officer 16-Oct-2019 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 16-Oct-2019 Offsite Document Storage Iron Mountain Australi 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 16-Oct-2019 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 196.35 215.99
Executive Officer 16-Oct-2019 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 84.15 92.56
Executive Officer 22-Oct-2019 Stationery from COS Complete Office Supp 453.94 499.33
Executive Officer 22-Oct-2019 Stationery from COS Complete Office Supp 194.55 214.00
Executive Officer 22-Oct-2019 Stationery - Name Badges x 5 A J Parkes And Co Pty 70.70 77.77
Executive Officer 22-Oct-2019 Stationery - Name Badges x 5 A J Parkes And Co Pty 30.30 33.33
Executive Officer 23-Oct-2019 Slido for use at November Conference Sli Do 293.52 293.52
Executive Officer 24-Oct-2019 Name plate x 5 Allmark & Associates P 85.75 94.33
Executive Officer 24-Oct-2019 Name plate x 5 Allmark & Associates P 36.75 40.42
Executive Officer Total       12702.75 13941.78
Grand Total       $22,178.99 $24,360.74

September 2019

Information Commissioner 27-Aug-2019 Taxi from City Beach - Perth Airport for AIAL Conf Gm Cabs Pty Ltd 36.27 39.90
Information Commissioner 27-Aug-2019 Taxi from City Beach - Perth Airport for AIAL Conf Gm Cabs Pty Ltd 9.07 9.98
Information Commissioner 28-Aug-2019 Taxi - Brisbane Airport to AIAC Conf Bwc Brisbane 133222 42.15 46.37
Information Commissioner 28-Aug-2019 Taxi - Brisbane Airport to AIAC Conf Bwc Brisbane 133222 10.54 11.59
Information Commissioner 29-Aug-2019 AIAC Conference - accommodation  Rydges South Bank Bris 353.14 388.45
Information Commissioner 29-Aug-2019 AIAC Conference - accommodation Rydges South Bank Bris 151.35 166.48
Information Commissioner 29-Aug-2019 Taxi: Brisbane to Brisbane Airport: Leaving Bwc Brisbane 133222 38.73 42.60
Information Commissioner 29-Aug-2019 Taxi: Brisbane to Brisbane Airport: Leaving Bwc Brisbane 133222 16.59 18.25
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 Meal: Stay from AIAC Conference Cbd Cafe And Bar 2.57 2.83
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 Meal: Stay from AIAC Conference Cbd Cafe And Bar 1.10 1.21
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 AIAC meeting - meals Rydges South Bank Bris 30.24 33.26
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 AIAC meeting - meals Rydges South Bank Bris 12.95 14.25
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 Taxi - description to be confirmed Ingogo Ltd 47.73 52.50
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 Taxi - description to be confirmed Ingogo Ltd 11.93 13.12
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 Parking: Future Proofing WA Economy City Of Perth Parking- 5.51 6.06
Information Commissioner 02-Sep-2019 Parking: Future Proofing WA Economy City Of Perth Parking- 1.37 1.51
Information Commissioner 03-Sep-2019 Gift for Thai Ombudsman delegation Aspects Of Kings Park 40.00 44.00
Information Commissioner 03-Sep-2019 Gift for Thai Ombudsman delegation Aspects Of Kings Park 17.14 18.85
Information Commissioner 05-Sep-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Workshop Woolworths 4392 16.07 17.68
Information Commissioner 05-Sep-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Workshop Woolworths 4392 6.88 7.57
Information Commissioner 05-Sep-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Workshop Woolworths 4392 8.75 8.75
Information Commissioner 05-Sep-2019 Catering - Strategic Planning Workshop Woolworths 4392 3.75 3.75
Information Commissioner 09-Sep-2019 Lightbulb for lamp Woolworths 4365 6.62 7.28
Information Commissioner 09-Sep-2019 Lightbulb for lamp Woolworths 4365 2.84 3.12
Information Commissioner 09-Sep-2019 Desk Lamp Target 5151 24.82 27.30
Information Commissioner 09-Sep-2019 Desk Lamp Target 5151 10.64 11.70
Information Commissioner 11-Sep-2019 Parking : Offsite Conference Meeting @ FSH Fiona Stanley Hospital 6.55 7.20
Information Commissioner 11-Sep-2019 Parking : Offsite Conference Meeting @ FSH Fiona Stanley Hospital 1.64 1.80
Information Commissioner 18-Sep-2019 Parking: Chair at "Information Law for Government' Cpp His Majestys 15.42 16.96
Information Commissioner 18-Sep-2019 Parking: Chair at "Information Law for Government' Cpp His Majestys 3.85 4.24
Information Commissioner 25-Sep-2019 Parking: Privacy and Data and IP Seminar Cpp His Majestys 15.42 16.96
Information Commissioner 25-Sep-2019 Parking: Privacy and Data and IP Seminar Cpp His Majestys 3.85 4.24
Information Commissioner Total     955.48 1049.76
Information Services Manager 27-Aug-2019 Software: Maytech Www.Maytech.Net 19.03 19.03
Information Services Manager 27-Aug-2019 Software: Maytech Www.Maytech.Net 8.15 8.15
Information Services Manager 28-Aug-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Dnh*godaddy.Com Aud 157.49 173.24
Information Services Manager 28-Aug-2019 Comp & IT - Sys Maint & Supp Dnh*godaddy.Com Aud 67.50 74.25
Information Services Manager 10-Sep-2019 backup Software renewal Tang Computers P/l 133.64 147.00
Information Services Manager 10-Sep-2019 backup Software renewal Tang Computers P/l 57.27 63.00
Information Services Manager 12-Sep-2019 Newspaper - subscription News Limited 22.91 25.20
Information Services Manager 12-Sep-2019 Newspaper - subscription News Limited 9.82 10.80
Information Services Manager 16-Sep-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Information Services Manager 16-Sep-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Information Services Manager 18-Sep-2019 SnagIt Maintenance Agreement Pp*fastspring 10.82 11.90
Information Services Manager 18-Sep-2019 SnagIt Maintenance Agreement Pp*fastspring 4.64 5.10
Information Services Manager 18-Sep-2019 Publication/Subscription: APC Magazine Douges Leckylotteries 6.34 6.97
Information Services Manager 18-Sep-2019 Publication/Subscription: APC Magazine Douges Leckylotteries 2.71 2.98
Information Services Manager Total     520.31 569.61
Executive Officer 29-Aug-2019 Stationery Winc 543.13 597.44
Executive Officer 29-Aug-2019 Stationery Winc 232.76 256.04
Executive Officer 29-Aug-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 174.85 192.33
Executive Officer 29-Aug-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 74.94 82.43
Executive Officer 29-Aug-2019 Temp staff Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 30-Aug-2019 Stationery - partial order received Winc 9.07 9.98
Executive Officer 30-Aug-2019 Stationery - partial order received Winc 3.89 4.28
Executive Officer 30-Aug-2019 Camera with memory card Plaza Cameras 353.79 389.17
Executive Officer 30-Aug-2019 Camera with memory card Plaza Cameras 151.62 166.78
Executive Officer 02-Sep-2019 kitchen supplies and catering for Thai Ombudsman Woolworths 4365 11.77 12.95
Executive Officer 02-Sep-2019 kitchen supplies and catering for Thai Ombudsman Woolworths 4365 5.05 5.55
Executive Officer 02-Sep-2019 kitchen supplies and catering for Thai Ombudsman Woolworths 4365 7.56 7.56
Executive Officer 02-Sep-2019 kitchen supplies and catering for Thai Ombudsman Woolworths 4365 3.24 3.24
Executive Officer 02-Sep-2019 kitchen supplies and catering for Thai Ombudsman Woolworths 4365 10.50 11.55
Executive Officer 02-Sep-2019 kitchen supplies and catering for Thai Ombudsman Woolworths 4365 4.50 4.95
Executive Officer 02-Sep-2019 Catering: Deposit for FOI in WA Conference Club Murdoch 1469.09 1616.00
Executive Officer 04-Sep-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 63.64 70.00
Executive Officer 04-Sep-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 09-Sep-2019 Stationery - partial order received Winc 3.49 3.84
Executive Officer 09-Sep-2019 Stationery - partial order received Winc 1.50 1.65
Executive Officer 11-Sep-2019 Office phones and White Pages entry Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.70 11.77
Executive Officer 11-Sep-2019 Office phones and White Pages entry Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.59 5.05
Executive Officer 11-Sep-2019 Office phones and White Pages entry Telstra Bill Paymnt 1739.50 1913.45
Executive Officer 11-Sep-2019 Office phones and White Pages entry Telstra Bill Paymnt 745.50 820.05
Executive Officer 11-Sep-2019 Temp staff  Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 11-Sep-2019 Temp staff  Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 12-Sep-2019 Copier Maintenance August 2019 Kyocera Mita Aust 111.52 122.67
Executive Officer 12-Sep-2019 Copier Maintenance August 2019 Kyocera Mita Aust 47.80 52.58
Executive Officer 12-Sep-2019 Publication: Secrecy, Surveillance and Journalism Booktopia Pty Ltd 95.06 104.57
Executive Officer 12-Sep-2019 Publication: Secrecy, Surveillance and Journalism Booktopia Pty Ltd 40.74 44.81
Executive Officer 12-Sep-2019 Offsite Document Storage Recall 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 12-Sep-2019 Offsite Document Storage Recall 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 16-Sep-2019 Refund Rydges Capital H -55.45 -61.00
Executive Officer 16-Sep-2019 Women in Public Sector Leadership  Ipaa 66.82 73.50
Executive Officer 16-Sep-2019 Women in Public Sector Leadership Ipaa 28.64 31.50
Executive Officer 16-Sep-2019 2019 Seamless Digital Conference Ipaa 114.55 126.00
Executive Officer 16-Sep-2019 2019 Seamless Digital Conference Ipaa 49.09 54.00
Executive Officer 20-Sep-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 95.45 105.00
Executive Officer 20-Sep-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 40.91 45.00
Executive Officer 20-Sep-2019 Stationery - Partial order received Winc 5.25 5.77
Executive Officer 20-Sep-2019 Stationery - Partial order received Winc 2.25 2.47
Executive Officer Total       11420.20 12561.11
Grand Total        $ 12,895.99  $ 14,180.48

August 2019

Information Commissioner 07-Aug-2019 Taxi to Parliament House Ingogo Ltd 6.30 6.93
Information Commissioner 07-Aug-2019 Taxi to Parliament House Ingogo Ltd 1.57 1.73
Information Commissioner 23-Aug-2019 IP, Data and Technology Masterclass 24/09/2019 Law Society Of Wa 219.55 241.50
Information Commissioner 23-Aug-2019 IP, Data and Technology Masterclass 24/09/2019 Law Society Of Wa 94.09 103.50
Information Commissioner Total     321.51 353.66
Information Services Manager 26-Jul-2019 APC Magazine Douges Leckylotteries 6.34 6.97
Information Services Manager 26-Jul-2019 APC Magazine Douges Leckylotteries 2.71 2.98
Information Services Manager 29-Jul-2019 Renewal of Software Subscription - TMS used in CMS Dri*tmssoftware.Com 219.49 219.49
Information Services Manager 29-Jul-2019 Renewal of Software Subscription - TMS used in CMS Dri*tmssoftware.Com 94.07 94.07
Information Services Manager 06-Aug-2019 Software - Quatrix Www.Maytech.Net 18.87 18.87
Information Services Manager 06-Aug-2019 Software - Quatrix Www.Maytech.Net 8.08 8.08
Information Services Manager 08-Aug-2019 Binding Machine Ofwks Online Bentleigh 483.00 531.30
Information Services Manager 08-Aug-2019 Binding Machine Ofwks Online Bentleigh 207.00 227.70
Information Services Manager 15-Aug-2019 Adobe Subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Information Services Manager 15-Aug-2019 Adobe Subscription Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Information Services Manager 15-Aug-2019 The Australian Digital Subscription News Limited 22.91 25.20
Information Services Manager 15-Aug-2019 The Australian Digital Subscription News Limited 9.82 10.80
Information Services Manager 21-Aug-2019 Headset Tang Computers P/l 62.05 68.25
Information Services Manager 21-Aug-2019 Headset Tang Computers P/l 26.59 29.25
Information Services Manager 23-Aug-2019 APC Magazine Douges Leckylotteries 6.34 6.97
Information Services Manager 23-Aug-2019 APC Magazine Douges Leckylotteries 2.71 2.98
Information Services Manager Total     1189.97 1274.90
Executive Officer 26-Jul-2019 Corporate Memberships - The Mandarin The Mandarin 100.00 110.00
Executive Officer 26-Jul-2019 Corporate Memberships - The Mandarin The Mandarin 100.00 110.00
Executive Officer 26-Jul-2019 Catering: Meeting w/Geoff Gallop re FOI in WA Conf Miss Maud 16.00 17.60
Executive Officer 30-Jul-2019 Management Accounting in the Public Sector  Ipaa 340.91 375.00
Executive Officer 31-Jul-2019 Public Sector Young Professional's Conference  Ipaa 114.55 126.00
Executive Officer 31-Jul-2019 Public Sector Young Professional's Conference Ipaa 49.09 54.00
Executive Officer 01-Aug-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 159.09 175.00
Executive Officer 01-Aug-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo Post Pe 68.18 75.00
Executive Officer 02-Aug-2019 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 107.98 118.78
Executive Officer 02-Aug-2019 Copier Maintenance Kyocera Mita Aust 46.28 50.91
Executive Officer 02-Aug-2019 ICT Charges - August 2019 Department Of Finance 275.12 302.63
Executive Officer 02-Aug-2019 ICT Charges - August 2019 Department Of Finance 117.91 129.70
Executive Officer 02-Aug-2019 ICT Charges - 28 May - 27 June 2019 Department Of Finance 20.32 22.35
Executive Officer 02-Aug-2019 ICT Charges - 28 May - 27 June 2019 Department Of Finance 8.71 9.58
Executive Officer 05-Aug-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 63.64 70.00
Executive Officer 05-Aug-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 12-Aug-2019 Piddington Society: Admin Law Masterclass Trybooking The Pidding 164.55 181.00
Executive Officer 09-Aug-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Ltd 69.09 76.00
Executive Officer 09-Aug-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Ltd 29.61 32.57
Executive Officer 16-Aug-2019 Collaborative Leadership Ipaa 350.00 385.00
Executive Officer 16-Aug-2019 Collaborative Leadership Ipaa 150.00 165.00
Executive Officer 19-Aug-2019 PSC Civic Innovation Masterclass Public Sector Commis 159.09 175.00
Executive Officer 19-Aug-2019 PSC Civic Innovation Masterclass Public Sector Commis 68.18 75.00
Executive Officer 19-Aug-2019 Kyocera Toner (Cyan/Yellow/Magenta) Screenlink Pty Ltd 217.00 238.70
Executive Officer 19-Aug-2019 Kyocera Toner (Cyan/Yellow/Magenta) Screenlink Pty Ltd 93.00 102.30
Executive Officer 19-Aug-2019 Women in Public Sector Leadership Conf Ipaa 263.64 290.00
Executive Officer 19-Aug-2019 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.79 11.87
Executive Officer 19-Aug-2019 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.63 5.09
Executive Officer 20-Aug-2019 Business Cards Quality Press 56.77 62.45
Executive Officer 20-Aug-2019 Business Cards Quality Press 24.34 26.77
Executive Officer 21-Aug-2019 Offsite Document Storage Recall 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 21-Aug-2019 Offsite Document Storage Recall 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer 22-Aug-2019 Temp staff Integrity Staffing 1690.50 1859.55
Executive Officer 22-Aug-2019 Temp staff Integrity Staffing 676.20 743.82
Executive Officer 23-Aug-2019 Kyocera Toner (Black) Screenlink Pty Ltd 380.10 418.11
Executive Officer 23-Aug-2019 Kyocera Toner (Black) Screenlink Pty Ltd 162.90 179.19
Executive Officer Total       6239.56 6863.50
Grand Total        $ 7,751.04  $ 8,492.06

July 2019

Manager Complaints 02-Jul-2019 AIAL 2019 National Conference - Ticket Sticky Tickets 745.45 820
Manager Complaints 17-Jul-2019 Taxi from Canberra Airport to Hotel Aerial Transport 27.3 30.03
Manager Complaints 19-Jul-2019 AIAL Conference - Hotel to Canberra Airport Aerial Transport 31.6 34.76
Manager Complaints 22-Jul-2019 AIAL Admin Law Conference - Lunch Smp*brew N Brew Cafe A 7.87 8.66
Manager Complaints 22-Jul-2019 AIAL Admin Law Conference - Lunch Smp*brew N Brew Cafe A 8.06 8.06
Manager Complaints 22-Jul-2019 AIAL Admin Law Conference - Breakfast Smp*brew N Brew Cafe A 10.38 11.42
Manager Complaints 22-Jul-2019 AIAL Admin Law Conference - Breakfast Smp*brew N Brew Cafe A 6.76 7.44
Manager Complaints 22-Jul-2019 Hotel - Additional Charges: proper description TBC Rydges Capital H 55.45 61.00
Manager Complaints 23-Jul-2019 Taxi - Perth Airport to Home Gm Cabs Pty Ltd 39.95 43.94
Manager Complaints Total     932.82 1025.31
Coordinator, Education and Communications 12-Jul-2019 Catering - FOI Workshop Kingsley Iga 22.94 25.23
Coordinator, Education and Communications Total 22.94 25.23
Information Commissioner 23-Jul-2019 Booking Fee - AIAC Meeting Brisbane  Corporate Travel Manag 3.65 4.01
Information Commissioner 23-Jul-2019 Booking Fee - AIAC Meeting Brisbane Corporate Travel Manag 0.91 1.00
Information Commissioner 23-Jul-2019 Flights - From Brisbane to Perth - AIAC Virgin Aust 7959584047426 916.36 1008.00
Information Commissioner 23-Jul-2019 Flights - From Brisbane to Perth - AIAC Virgin Aust 7959584047426 229.09 252.00
Information Commissioner 23-Jul-2019 Flight - To Brisbane From Perth - AIAC Qantas Airwa0819584047425 1729.45 1902.40
Information Commissioner 23-Jul-2019 Flight - To Brisbane From Perth - AIAC Qantas Airwa0819584047425 432.36 475.60
Information Commissioner Total     3311.82 3643.01
Information Services Manager 28-Jun-2019 APC Magazine Douges Lucky Lotteries 6.34 6.97
Information Services Manager 28-Jun-2019 APC Magazine Douges Lucky Lotteries 2.71 2.98
Information Services Manager 03-Jul-2019 Software - Quatrix - 08/07/2019 - 07/08/2019 Www.Maytech.Net 18.29 18.29
Information Services Manager 03-Jul-2019 Software - Quatrix - 08/07/2019 - 07/08/2019 Www.Maytech.Net 7.84 7.84
Information Services Manager 10-Jul-2019 Software - HelpExplain Paypal *bitsdujour 51.95 51.95
Information Services Manager 10-Jul-2019 Software - HelpExplain Paypal *bitsdujour 22.26 22.26
Information Services Manager 15-Jul-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 13.99 15.39
Information Services Manager 15-Jul-2019 Adobe Adobe Acropro Subs 6.00 6.60
Information Services Manager 18-Jul-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery News Limited 22.91 25.20
Information Services Manager 18-Jul-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery News Limited 9.82 10.80
Information Services Manager Total 162.11 168.28
Executive Officer 26-Jun-2019 Two x Full Day IPAA Courses Ipaa 679.27 747.20
Executive Officer 26-Jun-2019 Two x Full Day IPAA Courses Ipaa 169.82 186.80
Executive Officer 27-Jun-2019 Calculation of Leave Liabilities Pricewaterhousecoopers 3722.08 4094.29
Executive Officer 27-Jun-2019 Calculation of Leave Liabilities Pricewaterhousecoopers 1595.18 1754.70
Executive Officer 28-Jun-2019 Stationery - 27 June 2019 Winc Australia 329.37 362.31
Executive Officer 28-Jun-2019 Stationery - 27 June 2019 Winc Australia 141.15 155.27
Executive Officer 28-Jun-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo 31.82 35.00
Executive Officer 28-Jun-2019 Postage & Stamps Post Perth Gpo 13.64 15.00
Executive Officer 01-Jul-2019 First aid supplies Priceline Perth Cents 22.56 24.82
Executive Officer 01-Jul-2019 First aid supplies Priceline Perth Cents 9.67 10.64
Executive Officer 01-Jul-2019 Business Cards Quality Press 201.44 221.58
Executive Officer 01-Jul-2019 Business Cards Quality Press 86.33 94.96
Executive Officer 01-Jul-2019 Resolution Institute Membership Leadr 362.73 399.00
Executive Officer 02-Jul-2019 Resolution Institute: Prof. Dev. Subscription Leadr 159.09 175.00
Executive Officer 04-Jul-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 63.64 70.00
Executive Officer 04-Jul-2019 MYOB AccountRight Subscription Myob Australia 27.27 30.00
Executive Officer 10-Jul-2019 Stationery - 09/07/2019 Winc Australia 269.89 296.88
Executive Officer 10-Jul-2019 Stationery - 09/07/2019 Winc Australia 115.66 127.23
Executive Officer 12-Jul-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 66.10 72.71
Executive Officer 12-Jul-2019 Newspaper supply and delivery Lenara Nominees Pty Lt 28.33 31.16
Executive Officer 15-Jul-2019 Copier Maintenance June 2019 Kyocera Mita Aust 147.63 162.39
Executive Officer 15-Jul-2019 Copier Maintenance June 2019 Kyocera Mita Aust 63.27 69.60
Executive Officer 18-Jul-2019 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 10.93 12.02
Executive Officer 18-Jul-2019 Office Phones and equipment Telstra Bill Paymnt 4.68 5.15
Executive Officer 19-Jul-2019 Copier - Support (incl. Call Out Fee) Kyocera Mita Aust 218.84 240.72
Executive Officer 19-Jul-2019 Copier - Support (incl. Call Out Fee) Kyocera Mita Aust 93.78 103.16
Executive Officer 23-Jul-2019 First Aid Training - Refresher St John Ambulance Aust 76.36 84.00
Executive Officer 23-Jul-2019 First Aid Training - Refresher St John Ambulance Aust 32.73 36.00
Executive Officer 24-Jul-2019 Offsite Document Storage 01/07/2019 - 31/07/2019 Recall 37.88 41.67
Executive Officer 24-Jul-2019 Offsite Document Storage 01/07/2019 - 31/07/2019 Recall 16.24 17.86
Executive Officer Total 8797.38 9677.12
Grand Total        $ 13,227.07  $ 14,538.95