Making a complaint about the OIC


The Office of the Information Commissioner (the OIC) takes any complaints about the quality of the service we provide seriously.  Feedback and complaints are an opportunity for us to improve the way we provide our services.

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, about the actions or services of the OIC and the associated conduct of the Information Commissioner (the Commissioner) and/or other OIC officers.

A formal complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, in writing, about the actions or services of the OIC and the associated conduct of officers of the Commissioner and/or other OIC officers, where a response or resolution is expected or required.

Dissatisfaction with a decision made by the Information Commissioner pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) (FOI Act), where specific appeal rights are available, is not a ground for complaint.

You are encouraged to resolve your complaint informally.  However, if you remain dissatisfied with the actions or services from the officer you are dealing with, you may wish to make a formal complaint.

Formal complaints must be in writing, marked ‘Private and Confidential’ and sent:

By post to:

Information Commissioner

Office of the Information Commissioner

Albert Facey House

469 Wellington Street

PERTH  WA  6000




By email to:  


For more information please read our Complaints Management Procedure found <here>.

Alternatively, if you only want to provide feedback you can via our website Feedback Webpage or email